How can we stop humanity destroying the cities we live in? We are part of an age were wastefully destroying, abandoning and not caring for the history that went before us had become accepted. From April 21, 2015, the Museum of the City New York will be home to the new exhibition Saving Place: 50 Years of New York City Landmark, which will be exploring these important questions.
Passed in April 1965, New York’s pioneering Landmarks Law is believed by many as being the key factor in the reincarnation of New York in the final quarter of the 20th century. The demolition of Pennsylvania Station was a key moment in the preservationist movement, and led to the creation of the law.
The Law nurtured communities to take pride in their neighborhoods, leading to preservation in every borough and the creative re-use of derelict buildings. It brought new economic life to older communities as well as ensuring that although gentrification will occur, huge areas of the city still retain a complex contrast of new and old.
Through original documents, drawings, paintings, photographs and building pieces, the exhibition investigations how the landmarks movement developed in New York. Starting from the preservation efforts in the beginning of the 20th Century to present day. The exhibition looks at contemporary design in its context of additions to cities landscape, and how new buildings effect historic districts. We are also explained the innovative technology used today, showing how we are still adapting new ways of preservation and solutions to accomplish restoration. Making it possible to save our history when looking towards the future.