The CFDA Board of Directors renamed its namesake award to the Isabel Toledo Board of Directors’ Tribute to honor the late Cuban-American talent. Toledo posthumously received the newly renamed award, which was accepted by husband Ruben Toledo.
The award was originally established to recognize independent designers and to acknowledge individuals whose accomplishments reflect the Board’s values.
We formed a cocoon of love around Ruben Toledo during this bittersweet evening of celebration. Long-time friends came together along with the team behind the upcoming documentary about Isabel and Ruben Toledo’s life and love, now in production. Producer LaVon Kellner (@lavonmkellner), Director Chiara Clemente (@chiaraclementefilms), Justin Vivian Bond (@mxviv), Molly Ringwald (@mollyringwald who presented the award to Ruben), Ruben Toledo (@toledox2), Bethann Hardison (@bethannhardison), Joey Arias (@joeyariasnyc), producer Kim Hastreiter (@kimpaper), producer Paige Powell (@paigepowellofficial), and producer Cecilia Dean of VISIONAIRE.
Thank you to Nordstrom for bringing us all together for this moving evening.