The secret Dalston concept store known as LN-CC aka Late Night Cameleon Café has undergone a make-over. Roughly one year after being bought out of bankruptcy by Italian e-commerce specialist The Level Group, the former boxing club yesterday re-launched its physical and online stores.

Late Night Chameleon Cafe originally opened its doors back in 2010, and provided a truly unique shopping experience for its devoted followers. The new shop finds LN-CC once again working with Gary Card on the design, paying homage to the stores past aesthetic while heading towards a promising future for the company. Five years on from its anticipated opening, founder and creative director John Skelton decide that it was probably time to install a till and a real changing room for customers to try on the wacky creations most other stores won’t stock.

In exploiting an array of reused materials, the refurbished space now features a much brighter aesthetic while keeping it’s iconic tunnel-shaped entryway. The tunnel boasts vibrant LED lighting as well as layers of recycled plastic to start off your one-of-a-kind and by-appointment-only retail experience. Grey carpeted walls form a tactile enclosure in a newly added room to the right of the entrance, while another gallery’esq space houses collections from brands including Raf Simons in large geometric wardrobes. At the back of the store, the original bar has been fitted with a state of the art sound system that adjusts its volume based on the ambient sound level in the room so the music is never too soft or too loud!

We are excited to see how the concept stores new look helps its business, because LN-CC is the exact sort of creative space we need to keep young Avant Guard designers in stores and the shopping experience exciting.