William Kahn, aspiring movie star and unofficial resident Visionaire handyman, missed his window to play teenage vampire due to his misspent youth as a French Polisher. He has been in New York entirely too long. He’s looking to get cast in a film that gets shot on location. He doesn’t particularly have a past worth mentioning, but boy, what a future!

Nitzan krimsky is a jerusalem born photographer who was raised in the occupied territories of israel .
Now based in New York City , Krimsky’s introspective images create a personal connection between himseld and the viewer .His work often challenges the construct of humanity by turning the camera around and usingnthe self-portrait to chronicle a life in transition .from , soft and feminine to gritty and masculine , Krimsky allows us to participate in his journey through the lens .his work was featured in various publications in new york Israel and Italy, where he has completed his professional studies of a full merit scholarship.